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Dragon City Wiki

World Cup Island

This event has expired on Mon,14 July 2014 12:00:00 +0000.

World Cup Island.

The World Cup Island is a mini-game available in Dragon City on Mobile. The World Cup Island is also a mini-game available for Dragon City on PC. You can win the World Cup Habitat and a variety of soccer playing dragons. At the moment there have been 8 released.

Battle Map[]

The Battle Map has remained the same on all of the World Cup events to this point.

# Dragon Critical Avoid
1 TerraElectric Star MetalWar ElectricFlameSeaMetal
2 NatureSeaElectric Greenfluid FlameIce SeaLightFlameWarSeaMetal
3 IceFlame Soccer FlameMetal NatureWarNatureIce
4 FlameDark Cat TerraSea NatureIceMetalLight
5 MetalFlameWar Shogun ElectricDark TerraIceNatureIceTerraDark
6 NatureWar Sylvan FlameIce SeaLightTerraDark
7 [[Alpine Dragon|Data:Alpine Dragon]]
8 MetalNature Ninja ElectricDark TerraIceSeaLight
9 LightFlame Sun NatureDark ElectricDarkNatureIce
10 DarkNature Rattlesnake LightWar MetalLightSeaLight
11 FlameNature Spicy TerraSea NatureIceSeaLight
12 [[Petroleum Dragon|Data:Petroleum Dragon]]
13 FlameElectricNature Love TerraSea NatureIceSeaMetalSeaLight
14 NatureDark Carnivorous Plant FlameIce SeaLightMetalLight
15 SeaTerra Monstruous NatureElectric FlameWarElectricFlame
16 LightDarkNatureElectric Promethium NatureDark ElectricDarkMetalLightSeaLightSeaMetal
17 SeaElectricDark Specter NatureElectric FlameWarSeaMetalMetalLight
18 SeaWarTerraMetal Millennium NatureElectric FlameWarTerraDarkElectricFlameTerraIce
19 FlameLight Chimera TerraSea NatureIceElectricDark
20 LightDark Fallen Angel NatureDark ElectricDarkMetalLight
  • Level 10-15 Dragons recommended. Choose one that has an attack that is critical on your opponent. For more information on how Combat works, please refer to --> Combat and Combat Quick Reference.

If you are playing the first mobile event, join our discussion on Thread:196039.

The PC version is being discussed on Thread:196374.

If you are playing the second mobile event, join our discussion on Thread:196714


  • The third PC event is starting with a new dragon, but is reusing the Young Promise from the previous round.

